For decades, chains have pushed independent businesses aside. Together, we’re bringing local back, shopping local, championing local, and rewarding local. Are you ready?
You won’t need to download another app to use Trilo. Just open your camera, scan the QR and pay with your phone
When you shop with Trilo you’ll earn rewards tailored to you and how you enjoy your life. We’re working with independent businesses across the UK to help bring a next level of rewards that simply aren’t achievable elsewhere.
Do more of what you love, and enjoy the experience of being out and about rather than waiting in line to pay. Together you and a shop’s team can spend time talking to find what you want, whether that’s some new clothes or a flat white.
You won’t need to chase your friends to pay you back for the restaurant the other day, or your brother and sister for the bouquet you bought for mum. With a couple of taps you can split the bill easily and get back to enjoying the day.
Up to 10% held by card schemes and banks with their Card Tax.
Businesses get 100% of what they earn with no transaction fees in sight.
Takes anything from 3 to 30 days for a business to receive their money.
Businesses receive their money immediately to invest & grow.
No easy way to spot trends or reconnect with loyal customers
Businesses spot trends & habits at a glance and can offer tailored rewards.